How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes $5,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes $5,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes $5,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

Making money online is the dream for many people, but when you start, you realize there is a lot to do. Such as creating the logo, building a landing page, writing the USP (unique selling proposition), and more.

Sometimes, you can skip all of that and still make a ton of money.

This is exactly what the creator of did.

He created a website that looks like it was made in HTML with total disrespect for the user experience, but it makes more money than websites that look like modern masterpieces.

How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes ,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

Screenshot of by Author

What is Disk Prices

As the name implies, the website shows hard disk prices from Amazon.

The website was built by a developer called Jeremy Grosser, who was looking to build a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) and needed a bunch of hard drives. A NAS is like a special storage locker for digital files (like documents, photos, and music) that you can access from multiple computers and devices in your home or office.

On diskprices you can see all Amazon listings of hard drives that are on discount so you can save money.

You can also filter them by Amazon warehouse country, condition, type, capacity, and more. The best part is the website is constantly updated, so you never miss an opportunity.

How It Makes Money

If you look on the left side below the filters, you will see a block of text saying that this website is supported by paid affiliate links. This is how the website makes money.

And we’re not talking about a few bucks. Diskprices makes around $5,000 a month. Not bad for a single-page website.

Here’s what the owner has to say about the earnings:

How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes ,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

Screenshot originally posted on

Because there is just one person working on the website, the operation costs are low. Probably the only expense is the hosting.

Traffic source

With a website that solves a specific problem like this, word of mouth is the best way to promote it.

According to, the main traffic sources are direct traffic, SEO, and social. Direct traffic means the visitors enter the URL directly or have bookmarked the website. This makes sense since people want the best discounts and are willing to check the website every day.

How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes ,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

Screenshot from by Author

Another important part of the traffic is SEO. If you know anything about SEO, you know you need backlinks to rank high in Google. For diskprices this is quite easy because people will willingly share links to the website.

Now disprices ranks for keywords like:

  • hard disk price
  • Disk prices
  • Diskprices
  • Price efficient HDD

Here’s an example of a user linking to on Reddit:

How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes ,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

Screenshot from by Author

All of this adds up to about 80,000 monthly visits to the website, which is impressive for a single-page website that does not have any unique content.

How an Ugly Single-Page Website Makes ,000 a Month with Affiliate Marketing

Screenshot from by Author

It’s amazing to see how a good product can make marketing so much easier.

If you have an idea like this, don’t wait for the perfect time to start it or get lost in the details like design or copywriting. Create an MVP and start promoting it.

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